Company Profile
Corporate Culture
Central Idea
Management Summary
Organization Chart
Growth Experience
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Double Ninth Festival
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The members of XingYuhe LCD...
The Trip Of East Overseas C...
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The fire drill of 2012
Birthday party of employees
New Year Party of 2012
   Homepage >> About us >> Corporate Culture  
The corporate culture of our company
We refuse to find any excuses
We seek surefooted, efficient, consistent and innovative of work.
Our goal is to provide the first-class service to customers.
We are constantly challenge ourselves, beyond ourselves. There is no best, only better.
All we have done is just to satisfy our customers.

The principles of our company:
Goal: to become the most competitive supplier of LCD in China.
Mission: to create more value for customers
              to create more benefits for employees
              to create more wealth for nation
Survival Concept: quality and credit is the life of company. The benefit of customers is the most important thing for us.
Management Concept:Studying together, improving system, making progress together.
Business Concept: Trying our best to satisfy customer with good products and services.
Service Concept: The growth of customers is our base.
Working style: serious, efficient and keeping promise.
Motto: Knowing is useless, if you can trust and do it very well. In this situation, you can say you have understood it.
Marketing Concept: We will take customers’ complaints and suggestions as a good chance to improve ourselves.
Core values of our company:
Innovation and altruism